Friday, March 11, 2011

Mutant Mindmaster Deck List

Welcome duelist,

As promised, today I have for you the skeleton of the "Mutant Mindmaster Deck". This is based off the cards I own, I am currently looking for other cards that would be an positive fit into the deck and will update the deck list accordingly.

"Mutant Mindmaster Deck List":

Caius The Shadow Monarch
Mutant Mindmaster X2
Chaos Sorcerer


Royal Magical Library X2
Ryu-Kishin Clown
Fabled Gallabas
D.D. Warrior Lady X2
Apprentice Magician X3
Wall Of Illusion X2
Mystic Tomato X2


Hammer Shot
Fissure X2
Creature Swap X2
Mystic Wok
Mystical Space Typhoon
Heart Of Clear Water
Swords Of Revealing Light
The Shallow Grave
Soul Exchange
Monster Reborn
Lighting Vortex
Enemy Controller
Monster Recovery


Ready For Intercepting
Two-Pronged Attack X2
Depth Amulet
Acid Trap Hole
Just Desserts
Fairy Box
Rainbow Life
Sakuretsu Armor X2
Negate Attack X2
Destruct Potion
Magic Jammer
Draining Shield
Dimensional Wall

Now, before you decide to say "Wow, this guy sucks at deck building", hear me out. This is the very first build, I have still not play tested the deck yet. What I did was pull any cards together that seemed like it may be a good idea at the time, at least for this certain deck build. This is at least the skeleton of the deck, Over the next few days I will be taking out any cards that obviously shouldn't be in here and lowering the actual card count of the list. I did promise you a very basic skeleton of it though and as your author I aimed at keeping my word :)

In my next blog post we will be going over the actual deck list and de-constructing and then re-constructing the entire thing. Tune in next time to find out what I have decided should stay and go.

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