Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mutant Mindmaster Deck #2

Well, the past three days I have been constantly play testing this deck. So far it has a win/lose ratio of about 1:2. Not bad considering the current cards in the deck as well as a lack of resources from the start.

But, it can be better... And it will be. I went on Ideal and ordered a few cards for the deck. I should receive them within a week of this post. After I am able to actually switch out the cards I will be able to give you a more thorough low down of the deck. However, I can offer you all the new deck list I have created and give some explanations as to why those cards were chosen.

So, here is the deck:

Tributes: 7
Mutant Mindmaster X3
Caius The Shadow Monarch X2

Non-Tributes: 19

Apprentice Magician X3
Old Vindictive Magician
Frequency Magician X3
Wall Of Illussion X2
Mystic Tomato X3
D.D. Warrior Lady X2
Supay X2
Dark Tinker
Magicians Valkyria X2

Spells: 16

Mystical Space Typhoon
Enemy Controller X3
Mystic Wok X3
Lighting Vortex
Monster Reborn
Creature Swap X2
Hammer Shot
Swords Of Revealing Light
The Shallow Grave
Autonomous Action Unit
Domino Effect

Traps: 14

Draining Shield
Ready For Intercepting X3
Bottomless Trap Hole
Call Of The Haunted
Sakuretsu Armor X2
Magic Jammer
Destruct Potion X2
Negate Attack X2
Disturbance Strategy

Extra Deck:

Chaos King Archfiend
Black Winged Dragon

That's the new deck list folks, now on to my explanation.

Let's start from the level 1-4 monsters. I'm sure my tribute monsters are pretty well self explanatory on why they are here.

From the top we have Apprentice Magician, Old Vindictive Magician and Frequency Magician. Apprentice Magician helps to lower the deck count and is able to special summon both Old Vindictive as well as Frequency Magician. I found myself  in a little bind a couple of times where I didn't have any monster removal (while they had one monster only...). Well, Old Vindictive is to help with that aspect giving a little more control to the field and deck. Frequency Magician is a level two light type spellcaster who just happens to be an tuner. This works amazingly well with Apprentice Magician as well as Chaos Sorcer considering it can be SS with Apprentice, synchro summoned into something bigger and then removed for Chaos Sorcer. 

Wall Of Illusion, Mystic Tomato and Sangan. Well, Sangan is kind of obvious in this deck... However, it searches out almost everything, everyone of my non-tributes except for Magicians Valkyria and, it even searches out Mutant Mastermind. Mystic Tomato will easily special summon Mastermind as well as half the other cards in the deck. Wall Of Illusion, although weak... Provides that helpful bounce protection.

D.D. Warrior Lady, Supay, Dark Tinker and Magicians Valkyria. D.D. Warrior Lady helps with the monster removal. Supay and Dark Tinker are tuners which helps with synchro summoning while Magicians Valkyria helps protect my mutant mindmaster from at least one attack.

Now which leads us into the spell cards. Most of these cards are staples and have just been teched into the deck. However, there is a few that may need to be explained. Enemy Controller and Mystic wok are a couple that will allow me to tribute my opponets monster before the end of my battle phase allowing me to clear the field with them. Mystic Wok help's me gain lifepoints (which so far has helped win a couple of duels). Hammer shot belongs in here because it will help get rid of any monster (with the highest attack). Most of my monsters have a weak attack and the meta around this area runs higher atk cards. Hammer shot will also destroy a monster on my side of the field that I used Enemy Controller on giving yet even more field control.

The Shallow Grave will help bring back my mutant mindmaster's or even an mystic tomato. Yes, my opponet may get a monster as well but with the control I should have in this deck it's not a big deal.

Next comes up domino effect.. A must have in this deck. With this card whenever one of my opponet's monsters are destroyed in battle I can tribute one of my own to destroy another one they have. Based off this, I am able to attack with mutant mindmaster, take control of one a monster, attack their second monster to destroy it. After it's destroyed, Domino kicks in and I tribute the controlled monster to destroy yet another card they control. It's an automatic -3 for the opponet and it wouldn't have cost me a thing.

Now we come to the traps. The main backbone of this deck. Each trap here will help me in one way or another. Sakuretsu Armor and Negate attack will protect my Mutant while Draining Shield not only protects it but also gives me an boost in lifepoints. Bottomless Trap Hole helps me clear the field from those synchro monsters I'm destined to battle against. Destruct Potion allows me to give my opponet's monster up (with Mutant Mindmaster) while boosting my own lifepoints. Magic Jammer helps protect me from Lighting Vortex and cards of that nature. While Disturbance Strategy will help stop certain combo's from taking place.

I am planning on putting up an post giving some of Mutant Mindmaster's combo up very soon. Something to write on while I am waiting for the cards in the mail. Feel free to give any suggestions you may have as to what he can combo with. Still looking for some cards that will inflict damage by the tribute of a monster on my side. So go ahead and list any of those you may know of as well :)

Tune in for the next post where we go over the Mutant Mindmaster card and give some Combo's and/or rulings that this card has.

The Yugioh Deck Doctors

Friday, March 11, 2011

Mutant Mindmaster Deck List

Welcome duelist,

As promised, today I have for you the skeleton of the "Mutant Mindmaster Deck". This is based off the cards I own, I am currently looking for other cards that would be an positive fit into the deck and will update the deck list accordingly.

"Mutant Mindmaster Deck List":

Caius The Shadow Monarch
Mutant Mindmaster X2
Chaos Sorcerer


Royal Magical Library X2
Ryu-Kishin Clown
Fabled Gallabas
D.D. Warrior Lady X2
Apprentice Magician X3
Wall Of Illusion X2
Mystic Tomato X2


Hammer Shot
Fissure X2
Creature Swap X2
Mystic Wok
Mystical Space Typhoon
Heart Of Clear Water
Swords Of Revealing Light
The Shallow Grave
Soul Exchange
Monster Reborn
Lighting Vortex
Enemy Controller
Monster Recovery


Ready For Intercepting
Two-Pronged Attack X2
Depth Amulet
Acid Trap Hole
Just Desserts
Fairy Box
Rainbow Life
Sakuretsu Armor X2
Negate Attack X2
Destruct Potion
Magic Jammer
Draining Shield
Dimensional Wall

Now, before you decide to say "Wow, this guy sucks at deck building", hear me out. This is the very first build, I have still not play tested the deck yet. What I did was pull any cards together that seemed like it may be a good idea at the time, at least for this certain deck build. This is at least the skeleton of the deck, Over the next few days I will be taking out any cards that obviously shouldn't be in here and lowering the actual card count of the list. I did promise you a very basic skeleton of it though and as your author I aimed at keeping my word :)

In my next blog post we will be going over the actual deck list and de-constructing and then re-constructing the entire thing. Tune in next time to find out what I have decided should stay and go.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Welcome to the Yugioh Deck Doctors!

Hey there duelist,

This blog is a collection of thoughts from my team here in our hometown Stroud Oklahoma. We aim to build and test a complete deck building campaign each week. We aim to supplying new duelist the ability to build worthwhile decks while remaining in the order of originality. You won't find us building the typical meta type decks, the decks that everyone and their mother are playing or even those that have won past SJ tournaments. No, the decks we build are with highly underrated cards, cards that have huge potential to be good, while still remaining competitive in the current meta.

Based off the deck doctors schedules, we may be able to build an complete deck from scratch. If not, we will find users willing to have their deck worked on by us and ask them to submit a copy of their deck list into us by emailing us at yugiohdeckdoctors(@)gmail(.)com

The first deck we will be starting out with features an highly underrated card called "Mutant Mindmaster". Basically, the end goal of the deck will be to control the field using "Mutant Mindmaster". Currently we are looking at a means of winning with the deck.

Within the next few day's watch out for a skeleton of the deck, basic combos the deck can use starting out as well as what we want the end goal to be. Over time we will take this deck and turn it into a kick ass army worthy of the signer dragon recognition.

Stay tuned for our next article in this installment introducing the start of the deck list.